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You are now chatting with 'Caitlin M.'

Caitlin M.: Hi! How may I help you?

Bill: Hi, I'm trying to get a quote for my McArthur03 design, but the website doesn't seem to work for that.

Caitlin M.: Great, let me take a look

Caitlin M.: about how many are you looking to purchase?

Bill: probably under 10

Caitlin M.: great, are you planning on getting just 1 name?

Bill: No, different name for each shirt

Caitlin M.: Okay for 10 S-XL the price would be $28.31 for each shirt (with 1 Color front, 1 Color back and 1 name)

Bill: If we added a sleeve print, would that be about $5 per shirt?

Caitlin M.: for the quantity you have now, the price would be $4.23 additional for a sleeve print

Caitlin M.: per shirt

Bill: After an initial order, would we be able to order single additional shirts?

Caitlin M.: We offer a 1 time additional piece order where we charge you the bulk price of your original order and that add on $15 for set-up

Caitlin M.: Your best bet would be to purchase them all at the same time because with every shirt you purchase, the price per shirt goes down

Bill: I figured that, but this is a family thing and I think that after the initial group, some individuals will want to join in. Also, there will be replacements for some of the original people. Please tell me again how the additional single orders would work.

Caitlin M.: sure! so, if you were to need 1-5 additional pieces, we would give you the price you paid per shirt from the original order and then add on $15 dollars total.  If you order 6 or more, you will be priced for that quantity and will be given a Re-Order discount

Bill: Sounds very good and you're being very helpful. I wondered if my graphics were OK?

Caitlin M.: Yes, they are great! Once you place your order, our production artists will redraw them so that they are crisp and clear on your shirt

Bill: What's the minimum initial order?

Caitlin M.: 6 would be the minimum for this shirt

Bill: Thank you very much. I'll try to recruit the family members and get back to you.

Caitlin M.: sounds great! Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Bill: bye

Caitlin M.: bye!

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